Pyramid Model
The Pyramid Model is a federally researched and supported framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development (National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations, 2024). The model focuses on creating supportive environments, promoting healthy relationships, and intentionally supporting the development of social skills. At Emerson our Pyramid Model work permeates all aspects of our programming and seamlessly aligns both with NAEYC Standards and our Reggio Emilia inspired work.
(National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations, 2024).
In 2020, Emerson Preschool was identified, at the state level, as a program “poised for success” to implement The Pyramid Model Program in our already socially and emotionally rich curriculum. Since, we have established a Leadership Team, composed of Emerson teachers, board members, staff, and parents Together, we will support the continuation and implementation of this important work. Of its many parts, The Pyramid Model gives our educators access to ongoing professional development opportunities and communities, as well as, continual practice based coaching. Your child and their educators are supported through this program and so are you!
The Pyramid Model also provides families with a wealth of easily accessible resources on the development of healthy relationships and emotional literacy. We encourage you to browse these documents.
National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. (2024, January). Pyramid Model Overview. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.