Emerson Calendar 2024-2025
3 Parent Orientation
5 Children's Open House - T-TH class
6 Children's Open House - MWF classes
9 First Day - 1st half MWF students
10 First Day - 1st half T-TH students
11 First Day - 2nd half MWF students
12 First Day - 2nd half T-TH students
12 Family Picnic 6:00-7:00 PM
13 All MWF students attend
16 6:30 PM Board Meeting & Orientation
17 All T-TH students Attend
14 NO SCHOOL - Indigenous People's Day Weekend
115 &16 School Pictures (Rain Date 17 & 18)
10 Classroom Helper Orientation
21 6:30 Board Meeting
17 & 22 Parent Teacher Conferences T/TH Class
11 NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
4 & 15 Parent Teacher Conferences MWF Class
18 6:30 Board Meeting AT EMERSON!
21 Children Welcome Caregivers Night
27-29 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
16. Board Meeting
19 Celebration of Our Learning Community
(Inclement Weather Date: January 10, 2025)
12/20 -1/5 NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
13 5:30 PM Join us for Dinner with the Board. Board Meeting follows at 6:30
20 NO SCHOOL - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
54 & 13 Parent Teacher Conferences T-TH
17 6:30 PM Board Meeting
24-3/1 NO SCHOOL - February Break
10 & 17 Parent Teacher Conferences MWF
17 6:30 PM Board Meeting
7-11 NAEYC Week of the Young Child
21 6:30 PM Board Meeting
24 Special Person Night
4/28-5/2 NO SCHOOL - April Break
8 NO SCHOOL- Portfolio Work Day
19 6:30 PM Final Board Meeting and Elections
23 Last Day of School Picnic T-TH
24 Last Day of School Picnic MWF
Emerson adheres to CONCORD SCHOOL DISTRICT'S decisions for cancellations due to poor weather conditions.
* Emerson does not hold class when Concord public schools are closed.
* When Concord delays the start of their day Emerson's TTH classes are canceled for the day but the MWF class meets 10:30-12:30.
* When Concord dismisses school early Emerson's MWF class will end at 11:30.
Concord's School District Closings are announced on WMUR- Channel 9 and many local radio stations. Parents will be informed in writing of any Emerson School closings that are out of the ordinary.
There is no reimbursement for Snow or other emergency cancellations and days WILL NOT be made up at the end of the school year.
*TBA - Both in Fall and Spring, school will be closed for one day for a Staff Development.